"Brahms believed that there was no need to publish everything that Schubert ever wrote."
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau




  1. Structural Fluctuations in Small Particles
    J. Dundurs, L. D. Marks and P. M. Ajayan
    Philosophical Magazine A, 57, No. 4, 605 (1988)

  2. Current Flow in Reflection Electron Microscopy and RHEED.
    L. D. Marks and Y. Ma
    Acta Crystallographica A44, 392 (1988)

  3. Linear Imaging and Diffraction of an Amorphous Film
    L. D. Marks
    Ultramicroscopy 25, 85 (1988)

  4. HREM of High-Temperature Superconductors
    L. D. Marks, D. J. Li, H. Shibahara and J. P. Zhang
    Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique 8, 297 (1988)

  5. Encapsulation, Diffusion and DIET in the electron microscope
    J. Strane, L. D. Marks, D. E. Luzzi, M. I. Buckett, J. P. Zhang and B. W. Wessels
    Ultramicroscopy 25, 253 (1988)

  6. Quasimelting and Phases of small particles
    P. M. Ajayan and L. D. Marks
    Physical Review Letters 60, 585 (1988)

  7. Contrast Transfer Theory for Non-Linear Imaging
    J. Bonevitch and L. D. Marks
    Ultramicroscopy 26, 313 (1988)
    PDF and Addendum

  8. Synthesis and Structure of Copper and Yttrium Rich YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductors
    D. J. Li, H. Shibahara, J. P. Zhang, L. D. Marks
    Physica C 156, 201 (1988)

  9. Structure and Polytypes in Thallium Superconductors
    J. P. Zhang, D. J. Li, H. Shibahara and L. D. Marks
    Superconductor Science & Technology 1, 132 (1988)

  10. Design and initial performance of a UHV-HREM
    L. D. Marks, M. Kubozoe, M. Tomita, M. Ukiana, T. Furutsu, I Matrui and F. Nagata
    Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 93, 163 (1988)

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